Monthly Archives: June 2024

Возможности и особенности торговой платформы TradingView

Так трейдер может заработать на временной разнице в их динамике. Следите за рисками и за тем, чтобы срок сделки был как можно короче. Конечно не из того, сколько на самом деле стоит компания (вспомним Tesla), а из того, какая была последняя сделка. Например, мы хотим купить акцию, мы можем купить что такое Трейдинг вью на Форекс её двумя путями.

Стратегия Аллигатор в трейдинге

Показывает распределение объёма на разных ценовых уровнях для каждой свечи в заданном интервале.

как трейдинг вью помогает в торговле

Какие навыки нужны для торговли

как трейдинг вью помогает в торговле

По итогу 4-5 месяцев у меня осталось примерно 6,5 тыс баксов, но сдаваться я не хотел, поэтому стал прорабатывать новую стратегию, имеющую хоть какое-то обоснование. Умом я понимал, что делаю что-то не так, но не знал, как исправить ситуацию. В это время цена на акцию расторговалась сперва до 4 долларов за штуку, потом до 5. Если цена очень высокая для скальпера это не очень страшно. Цена немного упала до примерно 4,5 баксов, я как всегда зашёл на всю котлету. Цена продолжила падать и я как и раньше решил подождать, чтобы минус немного сократился.

Прибыльные торговые стратегии на рынке криптовалют

Сделки при этом могут длиться всего несколько секунд или минут. Криптотрейдинг — это процесс покупки и продажи криптовалют с целью получения прибыли. Этот рынок характеризуется высокой волатильностью, что открывает как значительные возможности для прибыли, так и повышенные риски. Цель анализа стакана – найти крупных участников рынка, оценить их активность и от них зайти в сделку.

как трейдинг вью помогает в торговле

Всякое бывает, всё же мне удавалось оставаться в плюсе всё это время. И на открытии ОС я снова принялся торговать и опять ошибся. Под конец торговой сессии мне пришлось зафиксировать ещё -400 баксов. На этот раз оставлять минус на пару дней я не решился. Итого за день я потерял около баксов, а это почти пятая часть моего изначального капитала.

Основы торговли на фондовом рынке: игра по правилам биржи акций

Графические инструменты Pine позволяют реализовать почти любую идею. Используйте данные, чтобы оценивать реальную стоимость компаний. Принимайте взвешенные решения со множеством данных по каждому инструменту. Добавляет точки к классическому линейному графику для обозначения основных данных. Соединяет точки данных одной линией, формируя классический линейный график. Этот график выстраивает линии, а область между ними заполняет цветом для более чёткой передачи информации.

Цель такого подхода — извлечь выгоду из краткосрочных ценовых колебаний. Дневные трейдеры часто используют графики, индикаторы и технический анализ, чтобы определить лучшие моменты для входа и выхода из сделки. Преимущество этого метода — отсутствие необходимости держать позиции открытыми в течение ночи, что снижает риск неожиданных ценовых изменений. Предлагаемые к заключению договоры или финансовые инструменты являются высокорискованными и могут привести к потере внесённых денежных средств в полном объёме.

До совершения сделок следует ознакомиться с рисками, с которыми они связаны. Предлагаемые к заключению договоры или финансовые инструменты являются высокорискованными и могут привести к потере внесенных денежных средств в полном объеме. Стратегии скальпинга — краткосрочные, основанные на малых временных интервалах (таймфреймах).

Стало быть, здесь не стоит ожидать импульсных движений. Ее определяет спред – разницу между самой высокой ценой покупки (bid) и самой низкой ценой продажи (ask). Чем меньше спред, тем ликвиднее рынок, и наоборот. Более того, ликвидность можно оценить, взглянув на стенку заказов. Если в стакане инструмента между ценами прослеживаются пробелы, значит ликвидность не плотная, рынок не заполнен участниками. Если в графе “Показатель объемов тиков от” стоит нулевое значение, отображаться будут сделки по всем объемам.

Каждая категория активов имеет свои особенности и подходит для различных стратегий торговли. Выбор инструмента зависит от уровня опыта трейдера, его целей и готовности принимать риски. Появление криптотрейдинга связано с запуском первой криптовалюты — Bitcoin — в 2009 году. С тех пор рынок значительно вырос, включив в себя тысячи различных цифровых активов. Сегодня криптотрейдинг привлекает как индивидуальных трейдеров, так и институциональных инвесторов, предоставляя широкий выбор стратегий и возможностей. В видео – объяснение и разбор стратегии, подтверждение важности анализа стакана.

Сильная тенденция может сохраняться неделями до разворота, что позволяет получить солидную прибыль с минимальным риском. Чем дальше цена уходит от точки входа в рынок, тем меньше риск. Особенно при использовании трейлинг-стопа (скользящего стопа). Трендом называют устойчивое движение цены в восходящем (бычьем) или нисходящем (медвежьем) направлении. Никто не скажет, какой конкретно промежуток времени движение должно быть устойчивым, но определить тенденцию можно на любом таймфрейме. Для успешной дневной торговли трейдерам важно обладать быстрым доступом к информации, использовать эффективные торговые платформы и придерживаться строгой дисциплины.

В этом случае доходность портфеля не будет зависеть от одного алгоритма. Простая разворотная стратегия, которая отлично подходит новичкам. Стратегия «Три “свечи”» относится к скальпингу и выполняется в рамках минутного таймфрейма.

Позволяет видеть ленту ордеров, то есть исполненные по рынку ордера. Пользователь может вести анализ свершившихся сделок, проторгованных объёмов, получать неоценимую информацию для активной внутридневной торговли. Рекомендуем начинающим трейдерам ознакомиться с нашим бесплатным курсом скальпинга. Также вы можете использовать наши бесплатные сигналы и анализировать торговую историю в Дневнике трейдера. TradingView – крупнейший сервис для анализа торговых инструментов (криптовалют, фьючерсов, акций и т. д.) на криптовалютных и фондовых биржах.

  • Для начала торговли я выбрал акции одной фарм компании, которые довольно сильно упали и волатильность у них была низкая, т.е.
  • В Сети встречаются разные рекомендации — кто-то говорит, что понадобится минимум 50 тысяч долларов, кто-то говорит, что можно стартовать с 200 тысячами рублей.
  • PS.Написал эту статью для того, чтобы подвести итог для примерно 8 месяцев, которые я потратил на эту затею.
  • В итоге это меня полностью подкосило, и я отошёл от торговли на неделю.
  • Это делает его доступным для людей со всего мира и способствует популярности торговли среди новичков и опытных трейдеров.

Акции — ценные бумаги, которые подтверждают право собственности на долю в акционерном обществе. Если простыми словами, акция — это доля в компании. Другие трейдеры получают доступ к инструментам для профессионалов, берут счета в доверительное управление, открывают свои фонды или управляют чужими. Для этого нужно стать квалифицированным инвестором или получить аттестат специалиста финансового рынка.

По центру – лента сделок, активность рыночных заявок в реальном времени (настоящее). Кластеры показывают фактически сторгованные объемы, это прошлое. Скальперы анализируют рынок “справа налево” – стакан, лента сделок, кластеры. Таким образом они получают объемную картину рынка. Они помещаются в книгу ордеров (стакан), где ожидают исполнения встречными рыночными заявками. Пока встречных заявок нет – лимитные ордера создают “стену” из объемов, которую рыночные заявки должны “пробить” (раскупить), чтобы сдвинуть цену.

Через некоторое время я опять решил, что уж ниже 3 баксов уж точно не упадёт. Я опять придержал убыточную позицию (да, очень часто я наступал на одни и те же грабли). В итоге на следующий день цена снизилась до 3,02 бакса за акцию. Так как это было утро и до ОС ещё было далеко, заявок в стакане было не много, но цена медленно падала. Я понял, что опять совершаю те же ошибки и что нужно что-то менять.

Форекс обучение в школе Бориса Купера, переходите по ссылке и узнаете больше —

How to Make Amends The Value of Making Amends in Recovery

what is a living amends

In order to do this, you’ll need to forgive yourself and those you are offering amends to. When someone is alive and you’ve hurt them, amends are more straightforward. You might go to that person and take responsibility for what you have done wrong, express you deep remorse, and ask what you can do to make it up to them.

I am a grief professional

However, they may suddenly feel guilty and decide to change their ways. They can make a living amend to change their lifestyle, get sober, and stop stealing from their parent. However, these promises are usually the result of deep feelings of shame, guilt, and regret and may not be genuine for some. Many times, these kinds of promises serve to alleviate the wrongdoer’s guilt and so that they can say they apologized before their loved one died. With these kinds of promises, there may not be enough genuine intention of changing their hurtful patterns and behaviors. Sobriety Living amends refers to making promises to the people in your life whom you’ve wronged or who have hurt you.

What Is an Apology?

You can’t erase the past, but with long-term sobriety, you can rebuild trust, repair relationships, and be close to your loved ones again. Living amends can take a lot of time but can be some of the most rewarding. This can be difficult to grasp; your sponsor or spiritual advisor can help. It may be difficult to accept that you’re not always going to be able to make amends to people who you’ve wronged in some way. Some might be too tested by prior behaviors and actions that they simply need space.

Fulfill your promises.

what is a living amends

They may choose to make living amends by promising to change their ways and become more helpful to others. Living amends, in this event, can include making changes to the behaviors contributing to the falling out between the survivor and the person they owed an apology to. For example, let’s say a mother didn’t make an effort to escort her children to the school bus stop. One of her children is killed crossing the street on their own even after telling their mother that they were afraid to cross the busy street alone. A living amend might include a posthumous promise to the deceased child to, from now on, make it a point to walk their surviving siblings to the bus stop each day.

what is a living amends

For instance, when apologizing to someone you stole money from, you should also return the amount you took. An apology allows an individual to hear what another person feels, determines what action or behavior is or isn’t appropriate, and provides an opportunity for the hurt person to heal. By taking on the responsibility to sincerely apologize, an individual continues to build self-confidence and reinforce personal integrity. In these cases, reflect on whether reaching out is to clear your own conscience at the other person’s expense. This is where a 12-Step “sponsor” or even a counselor’s feedback could be helpful in checking your motivation.

Restoring Relationships: The Transformative Power of Making Amends in Recovery

what is a living amends

Your efforts to make amends may not always go as well as you hope. Try not to respond with anger or defensiveness if others aren’t responsive to your efforts. They have been hurt by your actions, and they may not be willing to forgive and forget.

  • While everyone’s path to addiction recovery is different, rebuilding damaged relationships is one of the first goals many people have after they achieve sobriety.
  • Instead, as you pursue a life in recovery, focus on being generous with your time and giving back to others.
  • In most cases, the offender owes apologies to the people closest to them, like their friends, parents, and children.
  • As a part of my recovery process, I have reflected on my behavior and realized that I have hurt you in the past though my___________.

The reason I give this disclaimer is making amends is a personal thing. Since we do not likely know one another, I cannot tailor your amends for the people you need to reach out to. Take your time as you go through the 12 steps of recovery, and God will reveal what you need to do.

Defining the Concept of Making Amends in Recovery

  • Even though a person says they forgive, they might not be ready to reconcile.
  • This tends to result in enhanced relationships and repairing ones that were injured.
  • But if you are dealing with guilt and grief, you probably aren’t surprised that there is more to say.
  • Your relationship with a higher power—no matter how you define it—can help you to remain open and willing, even as you acknowledge hard truths about pain you have caused to others.

My only goal right now is to acknowledge the harm I caused and do what I can to make amends, if that’s possible. In Step 9, participants acknowledge the negative impact their addiction had on others and commit to direct amends where possible. True amends go beyond apologies; they involve sustained change. These actions demonstrate a new way of living and help develop accountability, paving the way for Step 10, where living amends definition amends are made immediately upon realizing harm. However, completing it often brings immense relief and renewed hope.

Trust God. Clean House. Help Others.Living Amends

  • My only goal right now is to acknowledge the harm I caused and do what I can to make amends, if that’s possible.
  • Join our supportive sober community where each day becomes a step towards personal growth and lasting positive change.
  • Or the people you need to apologize and make amends to are no longer living.
  • Step Nine states that we make amends “except when to do so would injure them or others.” We don’t want our actions to cause further damage, harm or stress.

Understanding the harm you caused the people in your life is critical for reflecting on your addiction. Making a living amends involves apologizing to your loved ones that you hurt and using your actions to prove you have changed and are committed to living a healthier and sober lifestyle. Addiction is a complex and pervasive disease that extends far beyond the individual struggling with substance abuse.

Making Amends: A Step towards Personal Growth and Healing

what is a living amends

Having faith will give you the courage, strength, and motivation to make amends and offer forgiveness. It cannot be bought because God has freely given it to us. When we give our amends, as mentioned in the last step, we should not expect anything in return.

The 8 Cs That Help Me Be All Right Coloring Book

After driving others away with your self-destructive behavior, making amends is one way to start repairing those connections. Step 9 also allows one to practice the processes of self-reflection, accountability and making amends, all key components the next step, Step 10. By proactively and “promptly” admitting wrongs, those in recovery may be able to prevent future conflicts that could trigger a lapse in unhealthy behaviors or a return to use. Making amends fosters clarity, self-forgiveness, and relief from guilt, which is healing. It also offers others a chance to gain resolution or a deeper understanding of your recovery journey.

  • Likewise, my marriage is a partnership with my husband.
  • If you are going through a 12-step program, you’ll notice that honesty, accountability and acceptance are overarching themes.
  • You are now well-versed in taking this step of recovery!
  • Sometimes, it’s necessary to make amends to employers or co-workers.
  • Giving a person space and honoring their right to feel what they feel about the impact your addiction and the connected behaviors has had on their lives.

Apologies vs. Amends

what is a living amends

Lists to Help you Through Any Loss is for people experiencing any type of loss. This book discusses some of the most common grief experiences and breaks down psychological concepts to help you understand your thoughts and emotions. It also shares useful coping tools, and helps the reader reflect on their unique relationship with grief and loss. Practice accepting other’s responses to your efforts and remember that you have done all you can. Sometimes other people need more time to accept an apology.

Tips to Cope With Watching a Loved One Die

These changes can positively impact the people you love and care about. Living amends heroin addiction can help you rid yourself of the pain of guilt and the need to constantly say “I’m sorry” to the people you’ve wronged in your life. When a person has died, you can still make amends for your actions.

A Celebrate Recovery Step 9 Video

what is a living amends

Soon, you’ll run out of reasons to give your loved ones why you’ve failed them once again. Sometimes, it’s necessary to make amends to employers or co-workers. Whatever the situation, there are a few ways to get started in the process of repairing wrongs with the people you most care about. Another example is a substance or alcohol-addicted adult child who regularly steals money, jewelry, and other valuable items from their elderly parent’s home.

How to Practice Self-Care While Grieving: Step-By-Step

  • Many people think of making amends as simply apologizing for whatever wrongs they did in their using, however an apology is not an amend.
  • One very effective way to make amends is to go to Treatment.

These promises focus on rebuilding your relationship with a loved one and moving forward from the pain of the past. Making amends is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. It demonstrates the capacity for growth, redemption, and the ability to transcend the limitations of one’s past.

  • You can still be true to that by making an honest apology and not making excuses for why you didn’t follow through.
  • Here, we explore Step 9, its goals, possible outcomes, and effective language for making amends.
  • Apologies primarily focus on expressing remorse through words, whereas making amends involves a more profound commitment to translating those words into tangible actions.

Tips For Growing Up My 20 Years of Recovery

what is a living amends

Avoid initiating a conversation if the other person is distracted or upset by something unrelated. If possible, schedule a time to speak with them in advance to prepare for the conversation. Prove to those who love you that you are a person of living amends definition your word, and they can rely on you when things get tough.

Plexus Corp , SECURA Insurance talk AI tools at Neenah tech summit

AI use for wealth management client adoption is happening slowly

are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai?

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. I’ve stated repeatedly that generative AI is disrupting the overall nature and course of how mental health therapy is undertaken. A massive disruption and transformation are underway, though it seems that the magnitude and impact are poorly understood are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai? and so far, insufficiently examined. Before I dive into today’s particular topic, I’d like to provide a quick background for you so that you’ll have a suitable context about the arising use of generative AI for mental health advisement purposes.

Our community is about connecting people through open and thoughtful conversations. We want our readers to share their views and exchange ideas and facts in a safe space. Let’s add some wiggle room and say that we are at least open to the possibility that AI could form a real relationship with a person and that this might be possible in the client-therapist context.

Insurers Rapidly Adopt Generative AI Despite Potential Risks – Workers Comp Forum

Insurers Rapidly Adopt Generative AI Despite Potential Risks.

Posted: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:55:25 GMT [source]

The last subtype is TR-3c and consists of the human therapist training a generative AI client. I’ll invoke the same stretching rule as for TR-3b. We might more conventionally expect that a human therapist would be training an AI therapist if any such training were to take place. I am willing to suggest that the training of an AI client is in the same bailiwick. TR-1d is the fourth subtype and involves generative AI being used by both the client and the therapist. They are using generative AI specifically as part of the therapeutic process.

What’s important is their proven expertise in what matters to your company and your customers. Not all people are comfortable with generative AI being used for any given task. And although advisors may try their best to make clients comfortable, some clients won’t be comfortable without having a say in how generative AI is used with their account. Even though a dystopian financial future is unlikely, advisors would be remiss to assume they can use generative artificial intelligence in their practice without considering the concerns clients may harbor. While generative AI’s rise was sudden, it will take time for insurers to fully embrace its power and potential.

Forbes Community Guidelines

By adding in various probabilistic functionality, the resulting text is pretty much unique in comparison to what has been used in the training set. Your first thought might be that this generative capability does not seem like such a big deal in terms of producing essays. You can easily do an online search of the Internet and readily find tons and tons of essays about President Lincoln. The kicker in the case of generative AI is that the generated essay is relatively unique and provides an original composition rather than a copycat. If you were to try and find the AI-produced essay online someplace, you would be unlikely to discover it. All you need to do is enter a prompt and the AI app will generate for you an essay that attempts to respond to your prompt.

  • And although advisors may try their best to make clients comfortable, some clients won’t be comfortable without having a say in how generative AI is used with their account.
  • Not surprisingly, investors also indicated a desire for advisors to provide clarity about when they were using generative AI, as their financial future is linked to advisors’ decisions.
  • The client might not realize they are getting foul advice.
  • If you had asked ChatGPT to modify the draft for you and present the new version of the contract, this is construed as an outputted essay.
  • I’d recommend that you use the numbered list shown next.
  • Generative AI is pre-trained and makes use of a complex mathematical and computational formulation that has been set up by examining patterns in written words and stories across the web.

Okay, so if you buy into the conception that a client-therapist relationship is vitally important, I have a question for you to ponder mindfully. When generative AI enters into the client-therapist relationship there is plenty that can happen. Investors expressed concern over the bias in generative AI that may surface in the financial planning process. In general, people have demonstrated hesitancy about generative AI due to a lack of clarity on how the technology handles their privacy—which in some cases has led to it being wholesale banned. Given this general concern, it’s no surprise this issue appears when considering how generative AI may be used in a field, such as financial advising, that requires access to a lot of personal and sensitive data.

Riding With Lyft And Uber Isn’t A Joy For Disabled People With Service Animals

Its impact is only expected to grow as its capabilities expand – “by an order of magnitude next year”, as Elon Musk recently said.

are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai?

A huge mixed bag is facing the mental health industry. AI can make the process of dealing with an insurance company ChatGPT App easier for customers. Using AI to automate the claims process makes it faster and easier for customers.

We might feel a bit more comfortable about this situation. Presumably, the therapist informs the client that if they are interacting with the AI therapist and see something that seems questionable, they are to right away alert the human therapist. The aim is to ensure that the human therapist remains as a check-and-balance for the AI therapist.

Exclusive-Apollo, Kyndryl in bid for DXC Technology, sources say

I realize that some might insist that there is zero chance of becoming addicted to generative AI. The viewpoint of such naysayers or doubters is that there is nothing about generative AI that could be addictive. I’d like to share with you the dialogue of a generative AI pretending to be a therapist who is interacting with a pretend client based on a national licensing exam case study, see my detailed explanation at the link here.

are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai?

Additional components outside of generative AI are being set up to do pre-processing of prompts and post-processing of generated responses, ostensibly doing so to increase a sense of trust about what the AI is doing. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of ChatGPT trust layers for aiding prompting, see my coverage at the link here. Chain-of-Verification (known as COVE or CoVe, though some also say CoV) is an advanced prompt engineering technique that in a series of checks-and-balances or double-checks tries to boost the validity of generative AI responses.

Tempus AI shares jump 8% in strong Nasdaq debut as US IPO market thaws

The firm estimates it saves teams more than 75,000 hours per year by automating the back-and-forth down to roughly 2 minutes. Still, there is both internal and external pressures by firms to have advisors adopt AI tools. In particular, a quarter of respondents said they felt “significant” to “high” pressure from competitors. My interpretation of the keen insight, within the context of generative AI addiction, is that we need to recognize and accept that generative AI inherently provides temptations that can lead to addiction. One of the notable reasons it is so incredibly tempting is due to being made to be that way, as I noted earlier. More research is coming along on how to detect addictions to generative AI, and I will be regularly covering those latest findings.

How companies use generative AI to execute with speed – MIT Sloan News

How companies use generative AI to execute with speed.

Posted: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A real relationship entailing a client-therapist is one that is considered of a bona fide nature and entails something more than being merely tangential or transitory. I mentioned at the start of today’s column that the emphasis will be on the relationship between a client and their therapist. I suppose you could also say that this is equally the relationship between the therapist and their client. We won’t differentiate the matter of whether you say it one way or another. The gist is that just about anything might be categorized as a relationship and we could argue endlessly whether the relationship was a true relationship or not.

There isn’t enough depth included in the generic generative AI to render the AI suitable for domains requiring specific expertise. First, there is a need for knowledge and for people with the right experience and mindset. To handle AI, businesses need to establish a multidisciplinary team across different functions including IT, data analysis, compliance and communication.

are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai?

The mathematical and computational pattern-matching homes in on how humans write, and then henceforth generates responses to posed questions by leveraging those identified patterns. The answer is somewhat similar to the gist of TR-3. We could do AI-to-AI as part of an effort to train or improve the AI as either a therapeutic client or a therapeutic therapist. The better an AI client can be, the more useful it might be for training human therapists.

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There could be a human therapist that keeps close tabs on the generative AI. But there could be a kind of AI therapist “mental health factory” wherein the human therapist barely notes what is going on with the AI therapist. Thus, we are perhaps back to square one, and the human therapist as an oversight is not really bona fide. The TR-2 or human-to-AI therapeutic relationship entails the use case of a human client that is making use of a generative AI therapist. For example, perhaps the therapist wants to bounce ideas off of generative AI before presenting them to the client. I realize this might seem horrifying in the sense that if a therapist is conferring with generative AI, your first impulse would be to say that the therapist ought to be dumped and possibly even penalized for doing so.

Insurance companies must engage with this technology if they are to thrive in the future. I described in one of my other columns the following experiment that I undertook. An attorney was trying to discover a novel means of tackling a legal issue. After an exhaustive look at the legal literature, it seemed that all angles already surfaced were found. Using generative AI, we got the AI app to produce a novelty of a legal approach that had seemingly not before been previously identified.

For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of CoV or chain-of-verification prompting, see my coverage at the link here. In alphabetical order and without further ado, I present fifty keystone prompt engineering techniques. I like to emphasize at my speaking engagements that prompts and dealing with generative AI is like a box of chocolates. You never know exactly what you are going to get when you enter prompts. The generative AI is devised with a probabilistic and statistical underpinning which pretty much guarantees that the output produced will vary each time.

are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai?

In addition, lamentedly, there is a heightened chance of becoming dependent upon generative AI and withdrawing from interactions with fellow humans. This will consist of a series of dialogues with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a logical choice in this case due to its immense popularity as a generative AI app.

An ongoing concern about generative AI all told is the occurrence of so-called AI hallucinations (terminology that I disfavor because it suggests an anthropomorphizing of AI). AI hallucinations consist of circumstances whereby the generative AI generates a response that contains made-up or fictitious indications. Suppose generative AI makes up a statement that drinking a glass of milk a day cures all mental disorders. The client might not have any basis for not believing this apparent (fake) fact. The generative AI presents the statement as though it is above reproach.